
has an advantage...

Membership is a tri-level experience -- with your paid dues, you become a member of the national, state and local associations.  For more information, please contact our Membership Chair and Vice President, Jamie Roddey, PLS.



Membership Application

Interested in Joining NALS?

Apply Online Now! | PDF Application for Download (several payment options, must be faxed or mailed to NALS)

There are two ways for you to apply for membership. Above are links to an online membership application and a downloadable PDF membership application. Simply click on the option you are most comfortable with and follow the instructions. Remember that by joining NALS you are agreeing to be bound by the NALS Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility as well as the NALS Bylaws and Standing Rules.


We also offer a Secondary Membership which is available for interested persons who are already members of NALS outside the local area. 


Excerpt from the PBLP By-Laws: “Article III - Membership Section 2.7 Secondary Members. Any individual member of another chapter or state association may apply for secondary membership.  Secondary members may not vote or hold elective office."